Tuesday, May 13, 2014

House Hunting

My husband and I have decided to make the ultimate grown-up move and transform from perpetual renters into home owners. Even though our current apartment is very nice, we had The Talk and decided it was time. Our community is a nice place, our friends and families are here, and our careers (my library job and his music school) are here. It's more practical and, dare I say it, grown-up than continuing to rent indefinitely. 

So at the beginning of the month we began the time-consuming hunt for the perfect house. (By the way, this is my excuse for being absent from the blog. And from the world of social media in general. But I'm still waiting for responses to the queries I sent out at the end of April, so it's not like there's anything new happening with Deep Blue. Not even the playlist I promised to work on. Oops!). I'm having fun with it. Give me a research project and I'm on it like a dog on a steak. I don't let go until I'm done and everything is perfect. Professors loved me in school. I was the kid who had her Final Project done by midterms. (Yep, I was that annoying student). 

So far we've seen 11 houses (with 3 separate agents) and not one screamed "Welcome home, Alissa and Jim". But the ones we looked at... Well, they ended up not being what we were looking for. Since then, we've refined our criteria. Now it's narrow enough that we won't have to sort through a bunch of undesirables, but not so narrow we'll never find anything. In fact we're going to go check out a couple places today. Agent #4 is a friend of Jim's mom and a super nice lady. So we know she'll go above and beyond to help us find what we want. 

I have learned a few things so far:

1. The photos on the listing don't always match the reality. 

2. If you, the potential buyer, know more about a place (from research) than the listing agent, it's not a good thing. 

3. Even if the house looks pretty on the outside, you can tell a lot about the actual condition by looking at the pole barn (if there is one). If it looks like it belongs on the set of a horror movie, RUN! The house will be in similar condition.

4. The things you want to look at are: Roof, Foundation, Windows, Well, and Septic. (Plumbing in general)

5. No matter how much you like the listing pictures, if you get a bad vibe in reality, you'll never like the house. 

6. Most important, know what you want and don't stray from that list. Never settle until you find what you're looking for. 

The house hunt and Deep Blue are both well on the way to having something happen. My goal is to have both resolved by the end of Summer. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Jumping on the Popular Bandwagon

Seems that every YA book nowadays has an accompanying playlist. It's, like, a requirement or something. These playlists are always filled with obscure (yet still hip and cool) songs by hip and cool (yet still obscure) indie bands. And that, of course, makes the playlist creators seem like they're on that untouchable level of awesome I will, sadly, never attain.

And, of course, they are on that lofty level of awesome. I humbly bow.

But then my inner Devil's Advocate (DA for short) spoke up: "Why? Why create a soundtrack for a book?"

The novels I read as a teen never had playlists. Of course this was back in the era of the mix tape. And everyone who has ever created a mix tape (I know you're out there! I can see you hiding behind the Aqua-Net of Denial!) knows it's extremely difficult to find all the songs you want, some from other tapes and some partially recorded after hours of patiently listening to the radio, and actually squeeze them onto two 45-minute sides of a dollar store cassette without forgetting something or having the tape run out mid-tune. The Perfect Mix Tape: It's just too much work.

My next thought: "OMG! I totally need a playlist for Deep Blue!!" 

"Really?" DA said with an exasperated eye roll. "You're really going to jump on that bandwagon? But you haven't even published yet!"

"Yes," I said. "Yes I am." And then I promptly offered that pesky DA a York Peppermint Pattie and, satisfiablly bribed, she promptly shut up.

Be sure that, as soon as I have a free moment, I will be delving into the unknown depths of my iTunes library to mine from it all the forgotten gems that will represent this story perfectly! I know they're out there somewhere!

Off the top of my head, however, I can't think of a single song (at least none I've rocked out to recently) that would even remotely fir with this story. I mean, nothing says magical dolphins, mermaids, and teen angst like Bon Jovi's "Slippery When Wet" and Weird Al's Greatest Hits, right?  

I can--and will--do better. 

Out of the hundreds and hundreds of songs I've got stored there, some of it has to be hip and cool (yet still obscure) enough to be worthy of a literary playlist.

Stay tuned, Dear Readers. That playlist is in the works!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Feeling the (Library) Love

I just have to say: I love my public library!

Ok, so maybe being employed there has made me slightly biased (nah!), but I'm totally feeling the Library Love right now! Thanks to the free wifi, I've been able to do a TON of research on publishers and potential agents. Plus books on how to write a book proposal. I even scored a print copy of Writers' Market! For free (for 3 week loan). May not be up-to-the-second current, but I'll still take it. Online that same service would have been cost prohibitive! So yes, definitely loving my public library right now!

Social Networking Without the Drama

Set up a Facebook for your book. 

Really? Do I have to?

To me, social networking sites like Facebook etc. are synonymous with reality TV: Entertaining, yes, and everyone has checked it out at some point, but it's got the potential to leave one profoundly disappointed in the human race. The original intent of social networking (to help people reconnect with long lost friends and relatives) is noble, but as with anything available for free to the masses, it has the potential to be used for evil. Bullies, Stalkers, and people who love to air their dirty laundry in public (be it fights with significant others/BFFs/family members/coworkers, health issues, complaints about this or that, and anything that will get a "TMI" reaction) abound there. It's too much drama and negativity for me, and I do my best to avoid it as much as I can in this day and age. I'm kind of old school that way. 

Blogging is more comfortable. It's still strange for me having my personal words and thoughts out there for the world to see. And I'm still shy about self promoting (something I'm doing my best to get over). But blogging is a way for me to talk about my book and my publication adventure without delving into the dark and scary world of social networking sites. 

However, I did recently start a Twitter. I'm still figuring it out and, frankly, think I'm far too long-winded for the likes of something where you have to get your point across in less than 150 characters. Even while working in the newspaper business, I was terrible at coming up with catchy headlines. I'm determined to get the hang of it, though. Twitter, for all it's limitations, seems a lot less dramatic than the alternative.

So check it out. @DeepBlueBook. 

I promise I'll get the hang of it. 

As for a FB account for my book... Not just yet. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Copyrighting: Perils, Pitfalls, and Navigating Blindly

I spent a good chunk of the afternoon online, attempting to obtain an official copyright for Deep Blue. This is only a safeguard until I'm ready to self-publish or negotiate the rights. Besides, $35 a pop is a small price to pay for piece of mind. 

Even though getting the job done took me the better part of an hour. 

That long? You ask. 

Have you ever tried to navigate a government website? Do you know how confusing they are? Whether federal, state, or local, it doesn't matter. There must be a general rule that these sites be designed to confuse the crap out of anyone with an I.Q. under 220. Promising links lead nowhere, search engines turn up results that have nothing to do with what you're looking for, and everywhere, everywhere is jargon, jargon, jargon. Siri, Onstar, the smartest of smartphones... They're no help. Nor is the "help" function built into the sites. Do not click on the "help" function! You will be directed to a cold and impersonal page that will only confuse you more. Or just right back to the homepage, making all your progress for naught. 

I needed an XXL cup of coffee and a hug just to take the edge off the experience. It's a miracle I didn't end up curled into a corner with a serious case of internet phobia. 

But finally, finally SUCCESS! I received the email stating that my document was successfully uploaded and the transaction complete. Hopefully I'll never have to deal with that website again. But because I intend to keep writing, I probably will. At least  I'll know what to do next time. 

Unless the site gets "updated" and everything changes. 

Inspiration & Influences

My favorite stories were (and are) the sort that unfold slowly, like a time lapse video of a flower blooming. The kind with lyrical prose that sets a certain mood, gives off a certain vibe. The sort of story that paints a vivid picture for the reader. Authors like Libba Bray, Allison Croggon, Kathi Appelt, Laini Taylor, Alice Hoffman, Maggie Stiefvater, and, the Grandmaster himself, J.R.R. Tolkien all do this. All are my heroes. 

I can't help but recall the advice of Professor Berry, my Journalism 101 teacher from Freshman year at Grand Valley State University: "Show, don't tell," he'd bark as he made the rounds, peering over our shoulders to read directly from the computer screens whatever projects my classmates and I happened to be working on. At the time, I really didn't know what he meant. 

Now I think I understand. When writing, don't just say what's going on (the "and then, and then, and then" approach).  Write so the reader feels as though they're there, as if they're part of the story. World building, setting the scene, showing instead of telling... It's all the same. This to me is the hallmark of a well-written story. This is what will pull me into a book and keep me invested throughout. 

This is what I tried to do with Deep a Blue. I want my readers to be able to visualize the characters, the settings, the action. I want them to see what I saw and feel what I felt, as I was writing. And, most important, I want them to enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

I received an answer to a query today. A prospective agent wanting to see some sample pages. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cat Got Your Tongue

I'm constantly amazed how I can be so coherent and, gasp!, reasonably intelligent-sounding in writing, but when it comes to making concise, verbal statements that actually make sense and follow some rational thought pattern, I'm a complete klutz.

I actually attempted to verbally explain Deep Blue to someone today. Keeping in mind all the advice I'd ever read about giving a stellar book talk (You need a hook. Gotta have a hook. Oh, and make it concise as possible while still keeping it interesting), I was all set to launch into that gripping synopsis...and instead came off sounding like I'd spent the morning inside the Orb of Confusion. I assure you I was perfectly and 100% lucid and unaltered (unless you count the 4 cups of coffee in my bloodstream). Listening to myself ramble like a tweenage fangirl faced with One Direction, I couldn't help thinking, "Oh my god! Do I actually sound like that?" I wanted to slap myself with a ruler for each "Um" or "Like" or each time I backtracked. But, at the same time, I couldn't stop myself. Poor girl was patient enough to listen, nodding and smiling--and even asked a couple questions--but she was probably secretly thinking something along the lines of, "Really?!? YOU wrote a book?!?" And I'm sure she went away and told all her friends about the delusional madwoman who wants to be an author. I can only imagine their conversation:

Girl: I just listened to the worst book talk ever today! That crazy librarian was telling me about this book she wrote and, even now, I'm not sure if it was supposed to be about a dolphin or an evil clown*.

Friend: Really? And she actually wants to be an author?

Girl: I know, right! I kid you not, the woman couldn't even put two thoughts together. 

Friend: Do you think she'll get it published?

Girl: Search me. If she writes like she talks, I don't even want to think about what a hot mess of a disaster the book would be.

Friend: At least it would be good for a laugh.

Girl: True that. There needs to be more funny books out there.

Friend: Affirmative.

To be fair, I was nervous. I didn't expect to be asked about Deep Blue. And I'm the sort who isn't exactly comfortable tooting her own proverbial horn. When faced with that, I clam up. Get all jittery and shaky and cold-sweaty.

I can be thankful that at least I wasn't in front of a camera whilst giving said book talk. Had that been the case, I'd likely have dissolved into a quivering puddle of gibberish...which would have, in turn, garnered a visit from the men in white coats, come to fit me with a white coat of my own (complete with stylish shiny buckles).

Public speaking. I'm going to have to work on that before I really embarrass myself. Especially if I want to pitch this book to prospective agents and have them take me seriously.

I wonder if Dale Carnegie is accepting students. I'd promise not to get kicked out of class for doodling rather than note taking.

Also, wonder if I should go easy on the coffee.

*p.s. I assure you, there are no evil clowns in this book!

Navigating the (Shark Infested?) Waters

The waiting game can be frustrating, true, but I believe that patience is key here. As it is with anything good. 

Lately, as I wait to hear back from prospective agents, I've been researching self-publishing options. Just cause I'm curious about what's out there. No names, but... Some sound pretty shady right off. Others appear legit, but are they really? Others are affiliated with Big Name publishers and claim that, if you publish with them, said Big Name Publisher just might see and like your book...but only if you spend a small fortune, sign away the rights to your story, and offer up your firstborn child to a lifetime of indentured servitude. (Ok, not that last part) Seriously, if I had that kind of cash to burn, I'd take a Hawaiian vacation and put a down payment on a house with the leftover change. 

Point is, a newbie author has to be careful. There are sharks swimming in them thar waters, and they're hungry for the blood of gullible author hopefuls. Not only have I been researching self publishers. I've been reading reviews about what people are saying about these self publishers. Some reviews aren't bad. Others are positively scathing. I don't really pay attention to the margins (if Joe Smith was the only one in a sea of reviewers to have a bad experience, I'll make my own call thankyouverymuch). Nor do I listen to reviewers who scatter F-bombs like they were so much confetti. But when the majority speaks, I listen...And I know to proceed with caution. 

Like with any big decision, you have to be smart. Do your homework, don't fall for any shiny promises (even the ones that sparkle too), and listen to what people are saying and proceed with caution. Listen to your own gut. If you're not 100% positive, DON'T DO IT! And be patient. I'm not giving up on finding a legit, traditional publisher to pick up on this story. I don't buy the line that one has to either be an established author or a celebrity to get published the old school way. Well, maybe celebrities can do what they want, but established authors... They had to start somewhere. There was a point when authors as well known as J.K. Rowling or Stephen King (for example) were unknown and unestablished. And they managed to get picked up by traditional publishers. And look at them now. If it were true that traditional publishers only publish works from established authors, no one would get published because no one would be established. And there would be a lot of unemployment coming out of those publishing houses. 

I plan to be patient here. My goal is not to self publish, but to find a traditional publisher. However long that may take. This young grasshopper of an author can be patient. Yes, becoming a published author IS on my bucket list, but there's no rule saying I need to be published by X date. And I don't want to rush into anything. I plan to stay the course and be patient and smart about this. It'll take longer, but it's the only way for me. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Waiting Game

Waiting to hear back from publishers and agents makes me feel like a teen girl waiting anxiously by the phone for her crush to call (or text). It's the closest thing I can compare it too. 

Since the beginning of the month, when I started this journey, I've sent the manuscript synopsis and, in a couple cases, sample chapters to 5 agents and/or publishers who accept direct submissions. To date, I've gotten two "no thank you" replays. The other two I have yet to hear back from, including my earliest attempt. So I sent a follow up email to said earliest attempt this morning. Hence the waiting anxiously by the phone feeling swirling in my belly (or is it just the ham sandwich I ate for lunch?). 

I do want to say one thing. I won't be dropping the names of any agents and/or publishers here in this blog. Not who I send my story to and not who I receive rejections from. That's between me and them. And more respectful, I think. The only exception is if I get a "yes."  Then I'll be happy to report I got picked up by X publishing house. 

Until then, it's submitting like crazy...and playing the waiting game. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

FAQ about Deep Blue

Q. How old is Alana?
A. Animals don't measure time like people do: months, years, etc. They measure the passage of time in lunar cycles. But in human years, Alana is the equivilent of about 15 or 16. Princess Leilani is 18. Old Honu is ancient...but he gets around pretty good for an old timer :)

Q. Why didn't the Manatee King just find a new wife after the queen died?
A. Like geese, manatees mate for life. Also, the royal manatee line is matrilineal. Passed down from mother to daughter. So after the queen's untimely demise, the king was just filling in until his oldest daughter came of age and could take over the throne. 

Q. Why the matrilineal line?
A. I liked the idea of it. So many positions of power in this world are still male dominated. Or mostly so. I suppose it was just my inner feminist rearing its grrl power head. Plus, it's much more constructive than bra burning ;)

Q. What happens if a manatee king and queen have only sons?
A. Good question. I hadn't thought of that! I suppose the crown would be passed to a younger sister or niece. That way the royal line remains unbroken. The crown is kept within the Queen's family. 

Q. What's up with the turtles' names. 
A. All sea turtles begin life as 'Honu'. As they grow and their personality emerges, they are given a second name that fits their personality or a talent they've cultivated. For example, Great Wise Honu was named such because he was a legendary teacher and advisor. A real Obi-Wan, Mr. Myiagi type. Old Honu had been around longer than anyone could remember. Over the centuries, his original second name was forgotten (it could have been Fast Honu or Green Honu...or George or Ringo, for that matter). So everyone just called him Old Honu. 

Q. Why everything measured in Moons?
A. As I've said, animals mark the passage of time differently than humans do. There are still days and nights, but longer spans are measured in lunar cycles. And, if you think about it, that's far more practical than the traditional calendar. Besides, paper tends to get soggy underwater. 

Q. Have you ever visited Hawaii. 
A. Yes. Once. My husband and I were fortunate enough to have our honeymoon there. We spent 10 days having fun. I witnessed two double rainbows, developed an addiction to poi bread, and ate the most impressive breakfast of my life. But the beauty and culture of the islands made a huge impression on me. Going to Hawaii had been on my bucket list since I was about 7 or 8. My class was studying the regions of the USA. I don't remember much about the other lessons, but I remember the one about Hawaii (sound like a familiar scenario?). Hubby and I are planning to go back for our 5 or 10 year anniversary. 

Q. Why set a book in Hawaii, a place you only visited once?
A. I could have set Deep Blue in Michigan and the Great Lakes. After all, that is my stomping ground and I'm much more familiar with the geography. But like I said, Hawaii had an impact on me. Magic is more likely to happen there than in Michigan. Besides, I needed the ocean, a salt water setting, in order to have the characters I chose. Imagine the story if it were about carp, northern pike, and snapping turtles. Doesn't pack the same punch. 

Q. Will there be a sequel to Deep Blue?
A. Definite no. I realize that sequels and trilogies + are trending right now, but I like the idea of a stand alone story. Deep Blue is a stand alone. What happens to the characters after the last page is up to the readers' imaginations. I won't rule out the possibility of a spin off short story, though. 

Q. Deep Blue would make a great movie. Any possibility that could ever happen?
A. Thank you! That would be awesome if that ever happened! (psst... Disney/Pixar? Dreamworks? Your people can call me night or day!)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Trying to "Live the Dream"...one step at a time

You could say I always wanted to be an author. 

Before I could really do much more than write my name, I would spend long periods of time (as long as my little kid attention span would allow) scribbling elaborate (to me) pictures and making up stories to go along with them. I have vivid memories of sitting at the kitchen table, my obnoxiously yellow Crayon Caddy in full use, narrating this or that crazy confabulation to my mom, my babysitter, my toys, or even myself (When you're an only child and have no friends living within walking distance, talking to yourself is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes). I took what I could get.

Then in 1985, I won the Young Author Award for my second grade class. I don't recall the plot, but I know it was titled "Rainbow Brite Meets My Little Pony". Total Fan Fiction...before the concept of Fan Fiction even existed. Technically, I probably shouldn't have won, considering my characters were most definitely not original (My most sincere apologies to the creators for my unauthorized use of their characters). But I was 8, and trying to explain the concepts of plagiarism and copyright infringement and fair use to someone that young is like trying to explain quantum physics to a dog. They hear you talking at them, and maybe they catch a familiar word ("walk," "sit," "treat"), but they don't understand. I didn't profit financially from it, so it was probably ok? Either way, I got to go to this really cool Young Authors Convention at the community college, which, if nothing else, got me out of school for the entire day. In hindsight, I kind of wish I still had that story, considering My Little Pony and Rainbow Brite are both hip and cool again. Bet my mom has it stashed somewhere...along with all my other childhood scribbling she's horded.

In high school, I had the same teacher for sophomore and senior English. My teacher, Mr. Litaker, encouraged the class to write every day. Whether an essay about our first fishing trip or an analytical opinion piece--with support from the text--about Fahrenheit 451, we were made to write, write, write. The teacher was the no-nonsense type and the assignments were challenging in the way they really made me think. I can thank these classes and this teacher (Thank you Mr. Litaker!) for reintroducing me to the written word and cementing my desire to become a writer. 

In college I majored in journalism (with a couple creative writing classes sprinkled in for fun and flavor) and, afterward, worked 10+ years for various area papers. I held a couple staff writer positions, but was mostly freelance stuff. 

In 2004, I'd gotten sick of the dirty politics of the journalism field. And I don't mean local government. Those guys are tame compared to the sneaky competitiveness and backstabbing that went on right in the newspaper office. Among the very staff who was, supposedly, supposed to be working together as a team to produce a product every week. Stuff went on in that office that was worthy of reality TV. Or middle school. I loved the writing aspect, but hated the bullies and mean girls (and, yes, there were bullies and mean girls), so, rather than play the game, I got out. And I don't regret leaving for a second. One of the best choices I could have made.

After brief, between-the-careers stints selling everything from pizza to AT&T services, I went back to school and got my degree in Library Science... And 7 years later, I'm beyond happy with my career choice. I'm currently a Young Adult/Teen Librarian at an awesome local library. I get to plan fun programs and read as much YA Lit as I can--for free!

I also met my future husband, dated, got married (eloped to Hawaii), and adopted two rescue cats.

Through all those life changes, I kept writing. Mostly journaling (the old school way) and the odd short story, but I dabbled in the idea of full-length novels. And I still want to be a published author (the stuff I wrote for the paper doesn't count). 

Maybe I'm finally on my way to realizing that dream!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ideas & Inspiration

Deep Blue is actually something I've been trying to write for more than 10 years, but, until recently, I was never really able to come up with anything fully-formed. Like all stories, it started out as just a seed of an idea: A man falls in love with a woman, but she disappears at sea. Each night he thinks he hears her calling to him from out beyond the breakers, but can't get to her. Just a seed of an idea. The middle of a story. A brief sound bite. I'd try to write it, but hit a wall trying to figure out the beginning of the story: How did the man and woman meet? What were they to each other? How does she end up at sea? Or I didn't know what happened after: Did the pair ever get happily reunited? End up in a Romeo-and-Juliet situation? What? It was an intriguing (and persistent) idea, but it wasn't a story.

Then, last summer, inspiration struck! My husband and I were on our way to a Korean restaurant* almost an hour away and, while enroute, we played The Story Game. The Story Game goes like this: One of us will start a story and, when we reach a turning point, pass it to the other. Sometimes these stories turn out to be really awesome epic tales. Other times they fizzle out. It was within one of these stories (a silly one about a manatee who goes on a great quest to find a magical seaweed that will save his sick girlfriend manatee) that I found the inspiration that would tie my decade-old idea to something solid and expandable. Something with a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Of course a lot about both ideas (the seaweed story and the woman at sea) got changed and rearranged quite a bit in the process, but I was happy to finally incorporate the old idea into something and have it fit perfectly. In fact, I think that idea was waiting for me to come up with Deep Blue. I can't imagine it any other way.

*p.s. In case you're wondering, the restaurant was awesome! Best Bulgogi I've ever eaten and unlimited kimchi (yum!)

A Brief Inroduction

Hello! My name is Alissa Bach and I am the author of the hopefully soon to be published middle grade novel, Deep Blue. At present, I'm shopping the manuscript around to various publishers and agents, hoping to find someone who believes in this book as much as I do (and of course I do!). So far, I haven't had any bites. But then again, I just started looking at the beginning of this month. I've been told a potential author has only but to find the one right person and she (or he) has got it made. So I'm going to keep looking.

After all, I've heard Stephenie Meyer of Twilight fame was rejected 14 times before her manuscript was nabbed up.  And I'm sure she wasn't the only now-famous author who heard the word "No" more times than an ill-behaved puppy.

Not that I think Deep Blue will become the next Twilight...or the next anything, for that matter. Deep Blue is its own unique tale.

The story centers on a young dolphin who lives in the magical underwater realm of Deep Blue. Alana is what's known as a Guardian Dolphin, meaning it's her duty to protect and help sustain life in Deep Blue. But Alana wants more out of life than the future that's ahead of her...so she leaves. Unfortunately, her leaving has a disastrous effect on Deep Blue. An old sea turtle, the only creature permitted to pass between this world and the world of Deep Blue, is sent to find Alana and bring her home. His adventures cause a ripple effect that reaches far beyond his usual stomping grounds, changing the lives of an angry teenager, a brokenhearted man, and an orphaned manatee. But will he be able to find Alana and save Deep Blue in time? You'll have to read the story for yourself...and hopefully you'll get the chance to do so!

This blog will document my journey to publication, whether with a traditional publisher or, if that doesn't work, the self-publishing route. And I'm excited to share that journey with you.

Thanks for reading,

Alissa Bach