Sunday, April 27, 2014

Social Networking Without the Drama

Set up a Facebook for your book. 

Really? Do I have to?

To me, social networking sites like Facebook etc. are synonymous with reality TV: Entertaining, yes, and everyone has checked it out at some point, but it's got the potential to leave one profoundly disappointed in the human race. The original intent of social networking (to help people reconnect with long lost friends and relatives) is noble, but as with anything available for free to the masses, it has the potential to be used for evil. Bullies, Stalkers, and people who love to air their dirty laundry in public (be it fights with significant others/BFFs/family members/coworkers, health issues, complaints about this or that, and anything that will get a "TMI" reaction) abound there. It's too much drama and negativity for me, and I do my best to avoid it as much as I can in this day and age. I'm kind of old school that way. 

Blogging is more comfortable. It's still strange for me having my personal words and thoughts out there for the world to see. And I'm still shy about self promoting (something I'm doing my best to get over). But blogging is a way for me to talk about my book and my publication adventure without delving into the dark and scary world of social networking sites. 

However, I did recently start a Twitter. I'm still figuring it out and, frankly, think I'm far too long-winded for the likes of something where you have to get your point across in less than 150 characters. Even while working in the newspaper business, I was terrible at coming up with catchy headlines. I'm determined to get the hang of it, though. Twitter, for all it's limitations, seems a lot less dramatic than the alternative.

So check it out. @DeepBlueBook. 

I promise I'll get the hang of it. 

As for a FB account for my book... Not just yet. 

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